Sample Results

Settlement at mediation for $4,100,000.00 — Multiple Semi trucks and trailers colliding after sliding on black ice.  Left Tl and T2 spinal fractures (in the facets) and atlanto-occipital dissociation (head separated from neck, but soft tissue connecting the two, including the spinal cord).

Settlement for $1,900,000.00 — Motor vehicle collision – Client was rear-ended at high speed by a van which was rear-ended by a school bus at 50 mph. Client suffered five level disc bulges in the cervical spine and two level disc bulges in the lumbar spine impinging upon the spinal cord.

Settlement for $500,000.00 — Vehicle vs. motorcycle collision – Client suffered disc protrusion at L4-5, disc protrusion at L5-S1, radiculopathy from disc protrusions requiring surgical intervention, displacement of lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy, fracture of the superior end plate of L4.

Settlement for $446,418.00 — Semi-truck vs. vehicle collision – Client suffered neck and back injuries with disc herniation at L5-S1.

Please keep in mind the value of cases varies dramatically depending on various and numerous factors and not simply a specific injury.

The above is meant to be illustrative only of settlements and victories obtained. They are not to be construed as a guarantee or a likelihood that we will obtain these or similar amounts for your case.